8th Week of Pentecost

Sunday Safro

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as we begin and until we conclude.
May mercy and compassion be poured forth upon us
in this world and the next.
O Lord, our God, to you be glory forever. Amen
O God,
through the blessings of this holy day,
the Sunday of your glorious resurrection,
grant us secure and peaceful times.
May we join the heavenly hosts in praising you, O God,
in the highest heavens,
and on earth may there be peace and blessed hope for all people, now and forever. Amen.
Peace be with the Church and her children.
Glory to God in the highest,
and peace on earth and good will to all.

Praise the Lord all you nations,
glorify him all you peoples!

For steadfast is his mercy toward us,
and the truth of the Lord endures forever
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever,
and peace on earth and good will to all.

Lord, have mercy on us and save us.
O Lord,
may we glorify the day of your glorious resurrection from
the dead,
in joyful praise and with spiritual hymns.
Teach us to perform works of justice,
strengthen our hearts in virtue,
and we shall glorify you in purity and holiness,
as we praise your Father and your living and Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
But I, because of your abundant kindness, will enter your house;
I will worship at your holy temple.

Psalm 5
Hearken to my words, O Lord,
attend to my sighing.

Heed my call for help,
my king and my God!

To you I pray, O Lord;
at dawn you hear my voice;
at dawn I bring my plea expectantly before you.

For you, O God, delight not in wickedness;
no evil man remains with you;
the arrogant may not stand in your sight.

You hate all evildoers;
you destroy all who speak falsehood.

The bloodthirsty and the deceitful
the Lord abhors.

But I, because of your abundant kindness,
will enter your house;

I will worship at your holy temple
in fear of you, O Lord.

Because of my enemies, guide me in your justice;
make straight your way before me.

For in their mouth there is no sincerity;
their heart teems with treacheries.

Their throat is an open grave;
they flatter with their tongue.

Punish them, O God;
let them fall by their own devices;

For their many sins, cast them out
because they have rebelled against you.

But let all who take refuge in you
be glad and exult forever.

Protect them, that you may be the joy
of those who love your name.

For you, O Lord, bless the just man;
you surround him with the shield of your good will.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen.

But I, because of your abundant kindness, will enter your house;
I will worship at your holy temple.

Lord, have mercy on us and save us.
Light from Light, and true God from true God,
according to your will you endured bodily death
and yet remain alive in the Spirit.
Through the blessings of this holy day of your
glorious resurrection from the dead,
turn us from the death of sin,
so that we may glorify and praise you, our light and joy,
and exalt your Father and your Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
The Light of the just and joy of the upright is Christ Jesus our Lord.
Begotten of the Father, he manifested himself to us.
He came to rescue us from darkness and to fill us with the radiance of his light.

Day is dawning upon us; the power of darkness is fading away, From the true Light there arises for us the Light which illumines our darkened eyes.

His glory shines upon the world and enlightens the very depths of the abyss.
Death is annihilated, night has vanished, and the gates of Sheol
are broken.
Creatures lying in darkness from ancient times are clothed in light.
The dead arise from the dust and sing because they have a Savior.

He brings salvation and grants us life.
He ascends to his Father on high.
He will return in glorious splendor and shed his light on those gazing upon him.

Our King comes in majestic glory.
Let us light our lamps and go forth to meet him.
Let us find our joy in him, for he has found joy in us.
He will indeed rejoice us with his marvelous light.

Let us glorify the majesty of the Son and give thanks to
the almighty Father, who
in an outpouring of love, sent him to us, to fill us with hope and salvation.

When he manifests himself, the saints awaiting him in
weariness and sorrow,
will go forth to meet him with lighted lamps.

The angles and guardians of heaven will rejoice in the glory of the just and upright people of earth;
together, crowned with victory, they will sing hymns and psalms.

Stand up then and be ready!
Give thanks to our King and Savior, who will come in great glory to gladden us with his marvelous light in his kingdom.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Lord, have mercy on us and save us.
Good Lord,
in your mercy you humbled yourself and willingly
offered yourself to the passion and the cross.
For three days, you were buried in the tomb for all of humanity, and, by your glorious resurrection, you broke the bonds of death.
Break now the bonds of sin which bind our souls.
Clothe us with incorruptibility
and count us among the children of your marvelous heavenly
Then, with the saints to whom you have given life
through your resurrection,
we shall give you glory,
now and forever.
Psalm 148
Praise the Lord from the heavens,
praise him in the heights;

Praise him, all you his angels,
praise him, all you his hosts.

Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.

Praise him, you highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens.

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for he commanded and they were created;

He established them forever and ever;
he gave them a duty which shall not pass away.

Praise the Lord from the earth,
you sea monsters and all depths;

Fire and hail, snow and mist,
storm winds that fulfill his word;

You mountains and all you hills,
you fruit trees and all you cedars;

You wild beasts and all tame animals,
you creeping things and you winged fowl.

Let the kings of the earth and all peoples,
the princes and all the judges of the earth,

Young men too, and maidens,
old men and boys,

Praise the name of the Lord,
for his name alone is exalted;

His majesty is above earth and heaven,
and he has lifted up the horn of his people.

Be this his praise from all his faithful ones,
from the children of Israel, the people close to him.

Psalm 149:1-6
Sing to the Lord
a new song of praise in the assembly of the faithful.

Let Israel be glad in their maker,
let the children of Zion rejoice in their king.

Let them praise his name in the festive dance,
let them sing praise to him with timbrel and harp.

For the Lord loves his people,
and he adorns the lowly with victory.

Let the faithful exult in glory;
let them sing joy upon their couches;

Let the high praises of God
be in their throats.


Psalm 150
Praise the Lord in his sanctuary,
praise him in the firmament of his strength.

Praise him for his mighty deeds,
praise him for his sovereign majesty.

Praise him with the blast of the trumpet,
praise him with lyre and harp.

Praise him with timbrel and dance,
praise him with strings and pipe.

Praise him with sounding cymbals,
praise him with clanging cymbals.

Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord!
Psalm 117
Praise the Lord, all you nations;
glorify him, all you peoples!

For steadfast is his mercy toward us,
and the truth of the Lord endures forever
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

The “Canticle of the Three Children” may follow the Morning Psalm.

Praise, glory and honor to the living Immortal One,
who by his death, gave life to his creatures,
by his resurrection, gave joy to his flock,
and by his rising from the tomb, saved his Church.
He fills the heirs to his paradise with joy and consoles his
flock by his appearance among them.
He is the Good Lord to whom is due glory and honor this
and all the days of our lives,
now and forever.
O God,
we adore and praise you who formed us and created us in your
Only Son, you brought us salvation,
and by your coming favored us with your compassion.
Source of life, we acknowledge your divine gifts
according to your plan of salvation.
In your forgiving mercy, O Immortal God,
you chose to become man for us,
to descend into the realm of the dead,
and to bring them the joy of your vision.
You, whose power awes the nations
and whose command upholds the ends of the earth,
descended into the darkness of the tomb,
and willed to be buried as a man.
Performing wonders in the realm of the dead,
you freed those held captive,
dispelled the darkness,
and awakened, by your word, the just and the upright
who slept in the sleep of death.
By destroying the enemy,
you established calm and peace in the nether world
and assembled the nations that they might adore you
and announce your salvation.
In joy they all proclaimed:
“O wondrous deed!”

On Friday, the sword pierced your side;
today, the waters of baptism pour forth.
On Friday, you were crowned with thorns;
today, you crown the Church with immortality.
On Friday, during the crucifixion, darkness covered
the earth;
today, the world is radiant with the light of your
On Friday, the disciples were scattered;
today, the crucifies are confused.
On Friday, the apostles fled in different directions;
today, they are gathered together and given hope.
On Friday, groaning filled the land;
today, the paths of peace are established.
On Friday, tumult reigned on the left;
today, those on the right are clothed with joy.
On Friday, the all powerful One was nailed to the cross;
today, through the resurrection, you raise the dead.
On Friday, the people mocked the Lord;
today, the voice of the Church fills the earth.
Today is a day of joy for the whole world because of your
Today is a day of joy for the just who have awaited your
resurrection in hope.
Today the Church celebrates and sings praise.
O Artisan of life,
by your sufferings you saved us from the snares of Satan;
give us life through your resurrection.
O skillful One,
by your grace renew our features marred by the corruption of sin and sculpt us in your image.
Remove the weight which oppresses our hearts,
dry our tears,
adorn our bodies with immortality,
clothe us with the raiment of glory,
that we may see you in the light.
We beg you, O true Spouse,

prepare us for the joy of the heavenly kingdom,
along with our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters,
our teachers and all who have died in the faith;
together we shall glorify you, now and forever.
On this day the women go to the tomb with spices to embalm the living One who went to the land of the dead.
They look and see angels robed in white, one seated near the
shroud, the other at his feet.
The one who proclaims life says to them: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is risen and has covered himself with splendor, glory and majesty.”
“Go and tell the apostles. They will regain courage and strength, and will rejoice. They must go to Galilee to meet him. They will receive power to bring the whole world back to him.”
O Lord our God,
allow us to offer you a fragrant incense,
and to burn a rich perfume to your majesty.
Thus with the angels, who announced it to the holy women,
we shall proclaim your resurrection,
an with the apostles rejoice in your victory.
On this holy day, as we commemorate your resurrection,
may we and all who have died in the faith,
receive the forgiveness of our sins and the remission of our faults.
To you be glory,
now and forever. Amen.
Lord, the holy Church that suffered through your death, is now filled with joy and gladness, and sings praise on the day of your resurrection.

Let heaven rejoice, and earth be glad in your spouse, the Church; may her children praise you on the day of your resurrection.

O Jesus, your flock stands at your gate, eats your body, drinks your blood and sings glory to your majesty.

A Reading from the Book of Wisdom
Wisdom 1: 1-9
Love justice, you who judge the earth; think of the LORD in goodness, and seek him in integrity of heart; Because he is found by those who test him not,

and he manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him. For perverse counsels separate a man from God, and his power, put to the proof, rebukes the foolhardy; Because into a soul that plots evil wisdom enters not, nor dwells she in a body under debt of sin. For the holy spirit of discipline flees deceit and withdraws from senseless counsels; and when injustice occurs it is rebuked. For wisdom is a kindly spirit, yet she acquits not the blasphemer of his guilty lips; Because God is the witness of his inmost self and the sure observer of his heart and the listener to his tongue. For the spirit of the LORD fills the world, is all-embracing, and knows what man says. Therefore no one who utters wicked things can go unnoticed, nor will chastising condemnation pass him by. For the devices of the wicked man shall be scrutinized, and the sound of his words shall reach the LORD, for the chastisement of his transgressions;.
A Reading from the Prophet Daniel
Daniel 6: 19-29
Then the king returned to his palace for the night; he refused to eat and he dismissed the entertainers. Since sleep was impossible for him, the king rose very early the next morning and hastened to the lions’ den. As he drew near, he cried out to Daniel sorrowfully, “O
Daniel, servant of the living God, has the God whom you serve so constantly been able to save you from the lions?” Daniel answered the king: “O king, live forever! My God has sent his angel and closed the lions’ mouths so that they have not hurt me. For I have been found innocent before him; neither to you have I done any harm, O king!” This gave the king great joy. At his order Daniel was removed from the den, unhurt because he trusted in his God. The king then ordered the men who had accused Daniel, along with their children and their wives, to be cast into the lions’ den. Before they reached the bottom of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones. Then King Darius wrote to the nations and peoples of every language, wherever they dwell on the earth: “All peace to you! I decree that throughout my royal domain the God of Daniel is to be reverenced and feared:
“For he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be without end. He is a deliverer and savior, working signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, and he delivered Daniel from the lions’ power.”

So Daniel fared well during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and joy-filled hope to all.
We praise you, we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord and Creator, King of heaven, God the Father almighty,
Lord God, only Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son and Word of the Father,
you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sin of the world, hear us and receive our prayer.
You are seated in glory at the right hand of your Father,
forgive us and have mercy on us;
For you alone are holy,
you alone are the Lord, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father.

At all times, and all the days of our lives, we worship
you and praise your holy and blessed name,
which is and has been from age to age.

Blessed are you, Lord almighty, God of our fathers.
May your name be glorified, praised and exalted forever.

To you be glory, praise and exaltation, God of all,
Father of truth, with the only Son and the living and Holy Spirit, now and forever.
O God,
you are before all ages and exist from age to age;

you are resplendent and glorified in unsearchable light;
O radiant Day and source of all light,
we glorify you, adore you and offer you praise night and day; accept our praise and answer our prayer.
Send us your abundant blessings, through the mercy of your
To him, with you and the Holy Spirit,
be glory, honor and power,
now and forever.